Inertia Pull

From UO Physics Demonstration Catalog

Return to Newton's Laws

Inertia Pull.png
Inertia Pull 2.png


A 500g mass is hung by a thin string and a similar piece is attached below the mass. When a sharp downward force is applied to the lower string it breaks. This can be done by grabbing the rod at the bottom and pulling the whole set up until there is no bend in the string, but no harder. Then pull hard and quickly. When the force is gradually applied to the lower string the upper string breaks. This can be done by grabbing the rod at the bottom and again pulling until there is no bend in the string. Then slowly pull down. Students can experience this demo using a toilet paper roll: pull slowly on the end and the paper unrolls; pull sharply and it tears off.


  • Weights on Shelf A-4
  • String is on top of Shelf P
  • Stands are next to shelf N
  • Rod Clamps in drawer 123
  • Rods in drawer 122
  • c-clamp in drawer 128