Dynamic Carts

From UO Physics Demonstration Catalog

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Dynamics Carts.gif
Dynamic Carts real.jpg


Low friction carts can be used in place of an air track. Work extremely well with the sonic ranger motion detector. Also nice for qualitative momentum conservation demonstrations. Neodymium magnets are mounted on one end of the carts for elastic collisions. Velcro is mounted on the opposite ends and used for inelastic collisions. A spring loaded plunger is on each cart and can be used for an exploding cart demo. Demos can also be done with the All In One Carts. One can measure position on x, y, z axes, position, velocity, acceleration, force on the rubber probe on one end, and have a spring loaded plunger. Can be used with iPad and Vernier Graphical Analysis Software


  • Carts: Dr. 27
  • 2 Meter Track and other tracks : Next to Sh.F
  • All-in-one Cart (and charger): Dr. 25
  • iPad Black Cabinet